Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

The Definition of Mathematics

Mathematics from the realistic mathematics is being separated become two parts. Its horizontal mathematics and vertical mathematics. Mathematics has a scrimption, its type, structure, and characteristics. We can separate mathematics into 2 parts. First, school mathematics or we can say university mathematics. In this case we can say that we are mathematics. And the second is applied mathematics, it means that mathematics as mathematics its self. There is a problem about how to get the object? We can get the object by two ways. First ways is looking for the abstraction of mathematics, this abstraction is different from abstract (not concrete). Abstraction on it means about the image that we get from mathematics its self. Second ways is idealism, idealism means consider that the mathematics’ object was what looked like.  

The structure of mathematics is deductive. There are the definitions, Axiom, theorem, rule, pattern, and so on, that compose logically and there are no more contradiction. The characteristic of mathematics is logic and consistence. The conjuncture is to think, to predict, etc. And convince is to communicate the result.

Mathematics has 3 aspects there are mathematics attitude, mathematics method, and mathematics content. Good attitude in mathematics means always have a question, to be consistence, to be critical, and so on. Good attitude will help us to know about mathematics more, with those attitudes we will easily learn in mathematics. Then, the method to learn mathematics. There is deductive, inductive, syllogism, logic, and prove. Deductive means from the general to the specifics, we can take the example from trapezium, we explain about the characteristic about it and then we go to more specific such as a square.

The inductive ways is from the specific to the general, we can take an example from a square and then we explain about a trapezium. Then, we talk about syllogism that takes conclusion from premises. It’s like A is a square, a square is one of trapezium, so we can conclude that A is a trapezium. Next is logic, it’s about the mathematics sentences. Mathematics sentences are like 3 is a prime number. The last one is prove, we can learn mathematics from proving a theorem. One of the examples is when we prove Pythagoreans theory.

The last aspects of mathematics are its content. We should jump into the content of mathematics so we can understand it completely without a missing part of it, because if we lost some parts we can learn it well.

There are many explanations about the definition of mathematics, even so there are so many opinions that describe about mathematics’ definition. And in my opinion mathematics is the mother of knowledge. Mathematics is the root knowledge, that’s why in university even we are in chemicals, physics, biology, economy, and so on we still learn about mathematics too. I think that’s all my posting for today, I am so sorry for the delays. I hope this is useful for our knowledge. I am sorry if there are so many wrong things here. Thank You.

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